For as long as I can remember the one vacation I fantasize about the most is an African adventure. I've traveled a lot of in Europea but most place wich i want to see is Africa I'd love to see the Serengeti and Kruger National Park. I'd love to go to Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls and visit the elephant orphanage in Zambia. I've heard that Cape Town is amazing and I'd like to see the beautiful beaches and amazing markets of Zanzibar. Its such an amazing continent with so much to see and do. I also want to see first hand the culture, so unique from anything you would see in Europea I have a friend who travels to Africa every year to buy handicrafts, cloths & clothing, drums, baskets, and so many other items. I would very much enjoy the opportunity to see these items being made. When I go, I hope to spend at least a month there, but it would be nice to get a picture of do-able itineraries in several different time frames. Even a northern Africa itinerary that included places like Egypt or Morrocco would be interesting. You know, what can you reasonably see in a week or 10 days or a month. There is so much to fit in, its challenging to know what are don't miss locations and what might be able to be passed by in order to make the trip happen. Even looking at the type of trip from the casual observer to the adventurer could be some options in deveopling itineraries. Also, while a luxury safari idea is nice, not everyone can afford that so multiple pricing options for people of different economic status (even some mixing and matching!) would be an awesome addition to any article about this dream vacation.
Hello guys, today i want to talk about my vibrator. I bouth it not so long time before, but i thing i getting love it very much. Its realy nice things wich giving hot pleasure. Its black vibrator for prostate with 10 speeds xexe :) So you can just put in on your ass and choose any from 10 speeds, every speed is realy diferent and exiting. Love to use this toy for you in our party chats and private chats. Soon i will buy new bigger toy i thing its will be bigger dildo. I need to start train my ass for that, becose its realy, realy tight ouchh :) Tell me some wiches guys what kind of vibrators or toys you like and i will buy it for you and we will use it for sure :) and if you want to see me with other sexy toys just tell me what do you like. I am just starting my experinces on toys, before had only real dick in my ass :) So come in my room and tell me your wish and we can do something for that :) your all are welcome in my room :) muahhhhhahhhhh
When I was 15, I got on a coach for a two hour journey when I noticed there was a toilet at the back - the first one I'd ever seen! I kind of needed to go then but I thought I'd wait until the bus had pulled out for a bit because, I dunno, I thought it was like trains or something and didn't want to be blamed for the pool of urine soaking the feet of the people throwing their bags under. Anyway, about half an hour in, I decide to go. The toilet was at the back of the bus and there were all these 15-year old girls sitting in the back seat giggling and so on. I climbed down the stairs and entered the toilet but, unfortunately, the door didn't lock. I thought, "Fuck it - I'm standing anyway, so what does it matter?" and start going. Suddenly, the bus hits a pothole in the road or something and - I don't know how this happened - but the jolt upends me and throws me out of the toilet and kind of upside down on to the stairs - and I'm still pissing. There's piss flying into my face and I'm thinking "Stop pissing - STOP PISSING!" but, you know, it's hard to stop when you're going. The girls are screaming. SCREAMING. At the top of their voices. My cock's still hanging out of my trousers, face ringing wet. This guy runs over and tries to help me up the stairs but ends up pulling my trousers down instead by accident. So now I'm basically half naked, upside down and soaked in urine. The girls are now not sure whether to scream or laugh at this point but they're still kind of SCREAMING. Anyway, eventually I get back up, raise my trousers, wipe my face with - something, I can't remember - and manage to make it back to my seat with half the bus staring back at me. I spend the next hour and a half sitting beside an elderly lady who frequently throws me dirty looks while holding her nose. The End.
The best dream I ever had was having sex with my boyfriend. even though it was strange and weird! We had a date and on that same day we had a very passionate time together.. then we where a couple all of a sudden. I was in my college and he came over to built something.. and I remember giving him a soft kiss.. TWICE! hehe. After that all of a sudden we where at a sauna.. all covered in oil.. we where very close and again ended up having sex. All the time we had sex somebody always wanted to come in.. which was ..WTF? Then I woke up.. I know it's weird.. but i loved it!
Hello all! I am Julian and i am new here. Would like to meet with you all in my room and let to know me.Sure you will see what i can and have in all the ways i thing you now what i mean. I like hot sex, big shoots. Also like to give members pleasure, always feeling more happy when i can make someone smile and feels happy. I am a honest hot young boy so just come and lets talk!
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